Home :: ALL PRODUCTS :: Annalee 14" Beige Bang Hat - Mint - Signed - L53-63bs

Annalee 14" Beige Bang Hat - Mint - Signed - L53-63bs

Annalee 14" Beige Bang Hat - Mint - Signed - L53-63bs
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0.26 lbs
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Years Made 1961
Made in USA
Annalee Doll Description: Last one. Beige bang hat with doll head wearing miniature bang hat, closed eyes, closed mouth. Signed by Annalee under hat in 1985. This doll came from the Annalee Museum. A bang hat is a faux fur hat with thin wire frame that allows the hat to be bent into any shape imaginable. A flick of the wrist and it's a beanie; another flick and it's over your ears; a left twist gives it a Cossack flavor, or for laughs it can be worn straight up, down, out, in and sideways. Each of the hats is topped with a miniature doll's face wearing a mini version of the bang hat.