Annalee Doll Description: Open eyes, closed mouth smile, blonde hair, white wings, white chef hat and apron, red gown, holds candy cane and "Recipe for Peace". 1 Cup Love, 1/2 Cup Hope, 1 Tablespoon Joy. Mix ingredients well and sprinkle with Faith. Share with family and friends as you celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.
Annalee Doll Description: Open eyes - one has a shinner underneath it, mouth expression may vary, blonde hair, gold halo, white wings, red gown with lime green belt, holds rock in one and and slingshot in the other, snow base. Perfect gift for the "trouble maker" in the family.
Annalee Doll Description: Open eyes, mouth expression may vary, blonde hair, gold halo, white wings, white gown accented with felt holly, doll is kneeling and hands are in the praying position. Perfect gift for anyone that is religious.