Home :: ANNALEE VINTAGE MUSEUM :: Annalee 36" Reindeer with Saddlebags - Signed - Excellent - 670079s

Annalee 36" Reindeer with Saddlebags - Signed - Excellent - 670079s

Annalee 36" Reindeer with Saddlebags - Signed - Excellent - 670079s
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35.00 lbs
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Annalee Doll Description: Last one. Annalee Museum. Signed Annalee under belly, museum seam tag #582. Open eyes, red nose, tan body, brown antlers, red reins, jointed legs, 1979 green holly print saddle, green saddlebags, wire poking through on the bottom very slightly on all four feet, very common. Red reins show some wear. The 36" Deer is no longer being produced. Compliments the 48" Mr and Mrs Santa, 72" and 30" Santas. Rudolph. Antlers and head will be bent back to reduce shipping costs. Just straighten up upon arrival. Please visit Large Doll Shipping.