Annalee Doll Description: Benjamin Franklin, Pilot Duck, Kangaroo, Reprise of the 4th Annalee Barbecue/ Auction, Annalee Leprechaun in Ireland, "The Punkish and Poseable Annalee Mobilitee Dolls" by Stephen Gardner (article of the history and life of Annalee, Life on the Farm-Townsend Thorndike, New Hampshire State Trooper Doll, State of NH Honors Annalee's-nGov. John Sununu, List of the dolls being retired in '8, photos of new ones coming in the line for 88, First Annalee Price Index and Reference Guide, Prices of dolls sold in the Annalee Antique and Collectible Shoppe, "Charles "Chuck" Thorndike works hard for the Lakes Region Conservation Trust", Rarest of the Rare, Ann and Chip attend Harvard, 20 pages.