Annalee Doll Description: Three white mice with various facial expressions, 8" mouse on left red, white and blue satin bow, red ear linings, 11" mouse in center has red and white striped vest with three white buttons, blue jacket, red, white and blue Uncle Sam hat with stars. 7" girl mouse on right has red satin bow in hair, has blue ear linings, end mice hold American flag banner. Companion is 203404.
Annalee Doll Description: Last one. Open eyes, open mouth, white body and hair, red, white, and blue flag print bowtie accented with gold glitter, red, white and blue Uncle Sam hat with stars, holds American flag. Companion is 204305.
Annalee Doll Description: Last one. Open eyes, mouth expression may vary, white body with red paw pads, red collar, red/white/blue Uncle Sam Hat. Custom Classic made for Sue Coffee. Patriotic. Kitty. No paper hang tag, otherwise Mint.