Home :: ALL PRODUCTS :: Annalee 20" Stack O'Jacks Pumpkin - Mint - 332202

Annalee 20" Stack O'Jacks Pumpkin - Mint - 332202

Annalee 20" Stack O'Jacks Pumpkin - Mint - 332202
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4.00 lbs
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Years Made 2002

Annalee Doll Description: Three pumpkins stacked on top of one another (20" in height) can be used as a candy container, or make a single pumpkin with the bottom one (12" in height) and then stack the two top ones (12" in height). Two display pieces for the price of one! What a bargain! Companion is 302313. When displaying like the center pumpkin, they top does not fit perfectly. It may not sit on top and may need something inside pumpkin to have it rest on top. This is the way they came from Annalee Co.

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