Annalee Doll Description: Last one. He has open eyes, ooh mouth, black hair tied in a ponytail, royal blue tri-corn hat lighter blue coat and tails, red and white stripe vest with white jabot, royal blue shoes with white felt buckle. Light staining on botton of feet. I've graded this set as very good due to the amount of fading that happened on his jacket and hat as a result of being on display in the museum. I'd say it faded to a 5 out of a 10- with 10 being mint. She has open eyes, ooh mouth, white hair, red and white stripe dress, off-white boudoir hat, apron and pantaloons, royal blue shoes. She has a few very small moth nibbles on her foreheard near her hair line. I have repaired them and they are barely noticeable but wanted to mention it. Light staining on botton of feet.This set came from the Annalee Museum. Museum tag numbers are 781 and they are signed by Annalee on their backs. Possible special orders and were never put into the Annalee line and possibily only two of each produced. I remember hearing something about this set being made for a float in a 4th of July parade but can not locate where I read it, possibly in one of the Collector Magazines. A very rare and desirable set of Patriotic Annalee Mice.