Home :: Sue Coffee Exclusives Patriotic Elephant and Donkey Photos

Sue Coffee Exclusives Patriotic Elephant and Donkey Photos

Annalee Sue Coffee Exclusives Donkey Annalee Sue Coffee Exclusives Donkey Pin/Ornament
9" Donkey Great to use with
your Annalee Nativity Item 981303
Donkey Pin & Ornament Item 981403

The Annalee elephant doing his tricks for the Ringmaster Mouse 9705

The elephant doing his tricks for the Ringmaster Mouse - Item 970597
7" Ringmaster Mouse with base signed by Chuck.

Did you know:
The Elephant has been the mascot for the University of Alabama since 1930
An elephant with his truck up is "GOOD LUCK"
An elephant NEVER FORGETS!

The Annalee donkey also looks great in a barnyard scene

The donkey also looks great in a barnyard scene, with your Indians/Teepee or with the Nativity Set. Try using the Farmer and his wife, the horse, sheep, any or all three dogs- Playfull Pup, the Dalmation and the Poodle, 3" Spring Peeper Chick and the 3" yellow ducks to create a "Barnyard Scene". Great for all ages and generations! Great gift for any elephant or donkey collector.