Home :: ALL PRODUCTS :: Annalee 18" Reindeer or Doe - Near Mint - Red Nose - C144-72sq

Annalee 18" Reindeer or Doe - Near Mint - Red Nose - C144-72sq

Annalee 18" Reindeer or Doe - Near Mint - Red Nose - C144-72sq
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2.00 lbs
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Years Made 1972
Made in USA

Annalee Doll Description: Squinting eyes eyes, red nose, no antlers, tan body, jointed legs, red and white striped saddle with green blanket. Three of the legs have the wire poking out which is very common on the older reindeer, otherwisw doll is mint. The artwork is fantastic on this deer and I just love the wide head which is characteristic of the earlier deer.

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